Take a peek at OUR STORY or keep reading to see if your question is answered in this extensive list. Feel free to reach out if you have something not covered here.

Yes, you may see various terms being used to refer to the practice

• V Steam

• Yoni Steam

• Vaginal Steam Therapy

• Bajos (Central America)

• Chai Yok (Korea)

• Vagisteam

• Peristeam

• Peristeam Hydrotherapy

• Perineum Steam Hydrotherapy

• Pelvic Steam Bath

• Pelvic Herbal Steam

• Hip bath

• Vagacial

They’re all practically the same thing, although the methodology and personal beliefs behind the practice may vary depending on the culture, lineage and part of the world which that form of vaginal steaming originates.

Yoni is an ancient Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to literally mean the womb and covers the breadth of the entire female anatomy; the vagina, vulva, and uterus. It honors the female phallus as the ‘origin of life’. It also recognizes the whole of the pelvic region for its greater spiritual significance as the term is a symbol of the Goddess Devi, the Divine Mother in Hinduism.

The V Spa uses the term 'Yoni' and Vagina interchangeably for that reason - as it refers to the core of your inner temple as an emblematic symbol of divine Procreative energy and holds within it the source of your essence and power as a whole woman.

V Steaming is a warm and soothing treatment that is beneficial to many women, whether she is suffering from feminine health maladies or is in perfect health. It serves a dual purpose of being a preventative treatment measure and a nourishing self care treatment that assists the woman to deeply relax and let go of built up anxiety, stress, fatigue and overwhelm in her physical and spiritual bodies. Women that experience the following are likely to experience positive changes from practicing vaginal steaming.

• Stress and tension in the lower abdomen and sacrum

• Vaginal or ovarian cysts

• Fibroids

• Post Natal tears and scars

• Infections

• Hysterectomies

• Laparoscopies

• Endometriosis

• Painful or irregular menstrual cycles

• Painful sex

• Lack of libido

• Vaginal dryness or laxity

V steaming is not for:

• Pregnant women or those that could be

• During menstruation

• Heavy bleeds (this would need to be looked at and addressed prior to steaming)

• Women with an internal/ active infection

• Women with open sores or wounds

• After ovulation if trying to conceive

• It’s generally advised for women with an IUD not to steam (contrary information)

• Those that struggle with accepting natural holistic healing methods

1. Clue yourself up on the ins and outs of the practice through reading these FAQs and the OUR STORY page, making sure to check that you're clear on V Steaming and have a depth understanding of the practice. If you have further queries and would like a consultation before you book, contact info@ilovevspa.com

2. Visit the “AFTERCARE” page for the complete breakdown on changes you can expect following a V Steam and how to care for self afterwards.

3. Or simply “BOOK NOW”

It is completely up to you! Some women choose to do it as a weekly self care practice, before and a few days after their bleed otherwise known as inter-menstrually. While some women choose to steam at a particular place in their cycle that they feel is most supportive for them, some women choose to do it every so often as apart of intimate self care. I encourage you to have a play around with different times of the month and see what works and feels right for you, listening to your bodies rhythmic changes throughout your monthly cycle. If you have a specific issue that you'd like to treat using a V Steam, do get in touch via phone or email.

Physical response: It is likely you will feel more relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated after a V Steam session. You can sometimes feel some slight cramping afterwards -this is normal and a part of your uterus and connected organs responding to the cleansing and balancing qualities of the herbs.

Emotional response: You may feel things working differently within your bioenergy field, notice emotions arising over the hours and days that follow. As with any sauna detox you are naturally cleansing toxic chemicals like carcinogens, Parabens,heavy metals that pollute the air we breathe out of your physical body through your skin, but emotional buildup known to us as hormone imbalances, and cellular memory trauma are also stowed away in the spiritual body- and will be released from your cellular body. You may feel like you are detoxing and letting go, leading you to reflect and relearn the wisdom your body is showing you. I advise you to continue to take it easy and drink lots of water to assist your body in flushing.

This largely depends on the individual and your intention behind wanting to experience a V Steam. If you are still having a cycle, you are likely to experience changes in your menstrual cycle. It’s common for the uterus to keep hold of old membrane lining from recent periods and periods from times before for a multitude of reasons. V Steaming, with the warmth of heat and the correct herbs, will support the uterus to dislodge this excess matter. This could mean that the next bleed is heavier or longer. Over time you should begin to notice things balancing out and your bleed gradually becoming more manageable (less pain free and lighter).

First and foremost, warmth is essential for uterus to feel nourished, balanced and healthy. The warmth alone relaxes the uterus and in turn the nervous system, this already begins the process of unravelling and releasing stress. Our spiritual and physical bodies are inextricably linked, and so they both work hand in hand during the process of steaming.

On a physical level: when the plant matter - the flowers, petals, stalks, seeds, herbs, roots, barks is heated, they release volatile/essential oils. The absorbent tissue of the vulva and vagina receives the medicinal qualities of the herbs, the pelvic muscles relax, and the heat is carried up towards the cervix and the womb. The steam increases circulation in the whole of the area and send the essential oils wherever they need to go. The best analogy we can compare it to is the way that you steam your nose and sinuses for a head cold, circulation supports the dislodging of stuck occluded matter and the qualities of the oils/herbs you use replenish and revitalise the blood.

The womb which is our root chakra point carries our sexuality, creativity, and emotional stability. Our Vagina which is our sacral chakra point balances our sense of survival, security, grounding, connection to family and belonging to life and our pure feminine essence. In many ways our wombs become stagnant, blocked and numb to recognising and feeling these things. Steaming can actively help with releasing past traumas and setting new intentions to flow as a well & healthy whole woman.

When done properly and when advice is sought so that the correct protocol is recommended, it’s a safe, gentle, non-invasive remedy that provides rewarding benefits.

However, do know that it’s important to let your body (which includes your natural vaginal flora) to take care of itself without consistent change. Use steaming as a supportive health regime, not as a total cure.

First things first, we have modern science and medicine to thank for so much and we can be deeply thankful that we can see holistic and indigenous medicine is becoming more socially acceptable and integrated into the Western World, and that new pathways are being formed between both worlds. Because, of course, they both have an immense amount of value.

We are not in a position to recommend anything over a highly trained medical professional, nor to recommend that steaming is the only antidote to an issue you may be facing. If in any doubt, it’s best that you do contact a medical professional.

What many medical professionals won’t be aware of is the vast array of anecdotal evidence from various research studies that convey the impact this practice has on so many women across the world over time. Medicine women and birth workers in indigenous cultures (still practicing today) have been passed on this wisdom and knowledge for thousands of years. Do you really think they would have kept on passing this wisdom on if it rendered no benefit? To completely deny ancestral wisdom is hugely dishonoring of those that came before us and the years of wisdom and lived practice they have. In Central America, vaginal steaming for a women's health issue is as common as drinking water for a headache, as expressed by Dr Rosita Arvigo of The Arvigo Techniques of Mayan Abdominal Therapy.

It is completely up to you! Some women choose to do it as a weekly self-care practice, before and a few days after their bleed otherwise known as inter-menstrually. While some women choose to steam at a particular place in their cycle that they feel is most supportive for them, some women choose to do it every so often as apart of intimate self -care. I encourage you to have a play around with different times of the month and see what works and feels right for you, listening to your bodies rhythmic changes throughout your monthly cycle. If you have a specific issue that you'd like to treat using a V Steam, do get in touch via phone or email.

For many women, the uterus will not entirely shed every cycle, creating a build up over time. The herbs used in vaginal steaming will support with the shedding of the build-up, therefore you may see ‘bleeding’ or some kind of matter coming out. Not to be alarmed-this is residual menses tissue being softened from the warmth of the steam and finally sloughing out of the vagina. This is a sign that the V Steam is working and is a part of your Uterus naturally cleansing & rebalancing itself!

The herbs used in a V Steam are cleansing, stimulating, tonifying and relaxing. All of these actions will have an effect on your pelvic muscles and organs. This is a sign that your uterine wall is contracting and trying to shift what is being loosened (the stuck material). This is all a part of the rebalancing, and whilst it may be uncomfortable for a short while, you should begin to notice that your cycles are less painful and even pleasurable over time.

Menstruation is a process of cleansing, clearing and letting go. The energy is moving downwards and out and back to the Earth. V Steaming is all about inviting the steam upwards and the qualities of the steam cause the walls of the uterus to contract, shed, and let go. Steaming whilst bleeding could cause it to become heavier or exacerbate PMS symptoms . It’s best to look forward to steaming in the days after you have completely stopped bleeding as an act of intimate self-care and refreshing the feminine flora when the uterus is relaxed.

The uterus is housing a baby and nothing must interfere with this. The uterus is working away keeping baby securely held and healthy. Vaginal steams are intended to cleanse and tonify the uterus, which can trigger contraction. For obvious reasons, it’s important to keep everything held in during this time. Herbal medicine usage during pregnancy are different for different women. It’s simply too much of a risk adding heat and medicinal herbs to our internal bodies whilst pregnant.

There are some traditions and cultures that use steaming as a natural method to induce labor. I would not recommend you try this. However, you could reach out to natural birth workers that are familiar with this method to supervise you and facilitate the practice and provide you with the appropriate herbs.

Yes, V Steaming may increase libido and enhance sexual sensation. On an emotional psychological level, the very act of doing a vaginal steam imbues feelings of intimate self-care. Simply by giving yourself the space to nourish and relax will inspire profound feelings of self-love, confidence, and feminine embodiment. This self-honoring and empowerment ripples out into other parts of a woman’s life, the renewed vitality and sense of self can have great implications for a your sex life.

On the physiological level, Vaginal Steaming increases circulation and increases vaginal moisture, which is known to enhance pleasure! Physically, the soft sensation of the steam can be arousing and the vulva and vagina is lubricated, which can be a turn on, activating a woman’s somatic sexual energy flow.

V Steaming is great for all aspects of female health, so it can definitely still be beneficial for you. Although all or part of the physical uterus may have been removed, the energetic center remains and can benefit from the warmth and clearing.

Steaming can help to address tissue dryness, with nourishment being brought into the blood and lymph and heat drawing circulation to the reproductive system. The practice supports with putting the woman in touch with her body in a loving and sensitive way. It is also a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always an added benefit.

Absolutely! Women in any cycle of life can benefit from a V Steam, especially those who are menopausal. Many women that vaginal steam during the perimenopausal and menopausal years find a lot of benefit from the practice. The steam has a therapeutic effect on vaginal dryness inflammation and irritation.

As the practice softens and moistens tissue and is stimulating, it can help reduce severity and frequency of hot flashes, phantom cramping & mood swings due to hormonal imbalances and also really helps you sleep soundly. When we combine cooling herbs with aphrodisiac herb blends, women have reported an increased sex drive and libido, a sense of aliveness and vitality and a renewed connection with their reproductive organs.

The anus, vaginal opening and urethra are in close proximity on the perineum and so the herbal steam can be used to support other perineal discomforts such as hemorrhoids.

Your session can be shared or private. While this service is usually done in an open, communal room, V Spa recognizes the cultural diversity of our community and offers individual rooms that can be booked privately or shared with one other person divided by linen drapery providing complete privacy and tranquility. You are in a full-length gown during your steam. Your body is never touched by anyone other than yourself. Your modesty and respect of privacy is never compromised.

Yes, this service can also be shared with your girlfriends for a Ladies Night "in". V Steam Parties are ideal for retreats, bridal showers, engagement parties, birthday celebrations and other occasions to relax and have fun with your girlfriends. *To reserve the entire spa, or for parties larger than four, reservations must be made by phone.

The content on The V Spa website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any issue you may be facing - disease, health concern or illness. Our wish is for you to be inspired to make an informed decision about your feminine health if you choose to use holistic methods to do so, and we advise that you consult a qualified health professional if you are in any doubt. We trust that by reading the information on this website, you acknowledge your total responsibility for your own health decisions.

If your specific issue relates to making big health changes around a specific diagnosis or condition, you are advised to consult with a qualified health professional.

Our V Steam Practitioners and Consultants do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe substances or perform medical treatment, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. It is recommended that you see a licensed physician, or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have.